Will the current pandemic allow tenants to use frustration as a means of avoiding further lease liabilities?
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All in Landlord and tenant
Will the current pandemic allow tenants to use frustration as a means of avoiding further lease liabilities?
Many commercial tenants will have changed over recent months, both in terms of their financial performance and how they operate their businesses. As the lockdown eases, what does this mean for landlords?
The best way for landlords to avoid a bad debt and to maintain a good reputation for fair dealing is to talk to the tenant.
If a landlord has insurance cover, will its tenant be able to get a rent holiday? In a time of acute cashflow difficulties for many businesses, that may be the difference between survival and insolvency.
Many businesses are looking at their properties with fresh eyes, reviewing how they are likey to use their space post Covid-19. So how can tenants futureproof their leases?
Will the predicted post Covid-19 recession leave any landlords with an appetite to forfeit? Almost certainly the answer is ‘yes’, at least among those who foresee recession, rather than an economic depression. Why might that be?
What is the impact of the Coronavirus Act 2020 on the landlord and tenant relationship, and what does the future hold for the sector?